16 OCTOBER 1852, page 19
Publications Received.
Booze. The Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. By William Stir- ling, Author of "Annals of the Artists of Spain." The Goldbeater ; a Novel. By the Author of "The......
Military Gazette.
Wan - ormca, Oct. 12.-13th Regt. of Drags.-Major C. E. Doherty to be Lieut. Col. by purchase, vice Knox, who retires; Capt. W. R. 0. Gore to be Major, by pur- chase, vice......
On the 3d October, the Countess of Macclesfield, of a son. On the 7th,:at Haughton Hall, Cheshire, the Lady of Thomas Gifford Forsyth, Esq., of a son. On the 7th, at Butterley......