16 OCTOBER 1852, page 14

A Police In B Sharp.

AN example furnished by the authorities at Leipzic might be fol- lowed in our own metropolis. Much indignation is levelled at barrel-organs, bands, and other *esthetic and......

Progress Of Tile Arctic Search.

THE despatches brought by the Prince Albert from the Arctic sees place us in possession of a considerable extent of knowledge which comprises nothing to point to a fatal......


MEMOIRS OF THE BARONESS D'OBERRIRCH. * TICE reader of these Memoirs is carried into a world almost ante- diluvian as regards customs, habits, and ideas. The Baroness D'Oberkirch......

The Commission That Can't Help It.

THE arrangements for the drainage of the Metropolis appear to be complete. Sewers-rates are levied. Surveys have been taken, - and plans suggested. A Special Commission is......