16 OCTOBER 1852, Page 8


In the English Stock Market there has been more activity, and great buoyancy was exhibited in the early part of the week ; caused chiefly by the publication of the Revenue accounts, and in anticipation of the reinvestments on the part of the public which usually take place on payment of the Octo- ber dividends. Monday was,the first transfer-day in the Stocks recently closed ; and the sales having been less numerous than usually, happens on these occasions, Consols advanced lb-namely, to 100. ; which KEE also the closing quotation of Tuesday, after having been a shade better. On Wednesday attention was absorbed by the settlement of the Account ; and the delivery of Stock having been heavy, the Funds declined ., but subse- quently rallied. Yesterday, there was a depression of #, on account of re- ported telegraphic despatches from the Continent of an unfavourable nature. Today, the Market has not altered ; Consols have remained dull at 1001 for Money, and lool I for the Account. Government brokers have commenced purchasing Stock, and on Tuesday about 90001. Reduced was bought on ac- count of the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, who will continue to operate during the quarter, in the usual way. Exchequer Bills have advanced steadily during the week, and are today, 758. to 78s. The Foreign Stock Market has been very active ; and a large amount of business has been done in Spanish and Sardinian, which have been well sup- ported ; the latter is 11 higher this week. The Turkish Loan is 1/ lower, It was influenced yesterday by a report that the Finance Minister at Con- stantinople had been displaced, owing to difficulties he had raised respecting the loan. The Swedish Scrip has suffered from sales to some extent, partly for the purpose of realizing, and also owing to the payment of the first in- stalment: It opened on Monday at 14 2 premium, and has since gradually declined ; today it is only to t premium. There has been a good business transacted in Railway Stocks; which continue very firm. French and Belgian have been operated in freely at an improvement East Indian descriptions have been much in demand. The settlement of the Account took place yesterday, and there was a scarcity of Stock in the English lines in many cases ; the consequence was a rise in price. At the close of business yesterday, the difference in value in some of the leading lines compared with Saturday last was to the following extent. Increase-Caledonian and Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton, 21.; Edin- burgh and Glasgow' South-eastern, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 11.; North British, 2/. 10s. ; York and North Midland, 11. 10s. •' Chester and


Holyhead, 108.; London Brighton, and South Coast, and Midland, 5s. De-- crease-Great Northern, 108. Those lines of the same value as last week are Bristol and Exeter, Great Western, Lancaster and Carlisle London and North- western, end London and South-western. Foreign- : Increase-Paris and Lyons, 2/. 108.: Northern of France, 1/. 10s. ; Lyons and Avignon 1/. Rouen and Havre, '158. ; Paris and Strasbourg, 128. 6d. ; Paris and Rauen, 10s. •' Madras, 5s. Decrease-Namur and Liege, 108. Sambre and Meuse, 128. 6d. Today there is nothing particular to remark in the way of altera- tion either in English or Foreign. The demand for North British continues, and they are 1L higher. &moan.: Twzprz °Twee. In the English Stock Market the Funds are 1 higher this morning : Con- sols for Money 1004 /, for Account 1001 #. In Foreign Stocks prices are quite nominal, but the Turkish and Swedish Loans continue heavy ; the- former is 61 7 i premium, with business done at 64; and the latter is par to in / premium. Business s brisk in Railway Shares ; North British has been done at the improved price of 36; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 694; 774; Shropshire Union, n; Caledonian, 514; East Lancashire, 18.; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 86.

• SATURD4T Two o'Czocs.

In the English Stock Market the Funds have maintained the advance of the morning, and are rather firm : Censors for Money 100/ 1, for Account 10011. Foreign Securities have continued inactive generally,-but a rise of about; has taken place in Turkish Scrip; which is now 7. I. The Swedish Loan 18 rather firmer, at # f premium.

-Railway Stocks have continued to improve, and a good business has taken place. Aberdeen, 281; Ambergate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 64; Bristol and Exeter, 1004; Caledonian, 52; East Anglian, 251. L. and E. and L. and D. 41 ; Eastern Counties, 11.; Eastern Union, Class A. late E. U. Shares, 9.; Ditto B. and C. 6.; East Lancashire, 181 ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 76; Edinburgh, 'Perth, and Dundee, 261 ;_ Great Northern, 791 i Ditto Half-shares, B. 6 per Cent, 11.7; Great Western, 961; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire; 85k; London and Blackwell, 8.; London Bnghten, and South Coast, 1041 ; London and North-western, 1194; London and South-western; 90; Hanehester, Buxton, and Matlock, 34; Manches- ter Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 321 ; Midland, 77.; Newcastle sad Carlisle, .93; Norfolk, 43; North British, 355; North Staffordshire, 13/ ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 48; Scottish Central, 85; Scottish. Midland, 56; Shrewsbury and Birmingham, Class A.; 694; South-eastern, 761; South Wales, 42; 'York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 71; Ditto Exten- sion, 121 ;••• Ditto- G. N. E;Purchase or Preference, -71 ; York and North Midland; 521 ; Buckinghamshire, 109; Leeds and Bradford, 1074; London and Greenwich, 14t • Northern and Eastern 5 per Cent, 65; Chester and Holyhead Guaranteed 54 per Cent, 184; Eastern-Counties Extension New 6 per Cent Stock, 144; Great Western, fixed 41 per Cen‘ 1094; North British, 95; - East Indian, 28k; Great Indian Peninsula, 7 ;. Namur and Liege; 8; Northern of France, 301 • Paris and Lyons, 2 .• Paris and Strasbourg, 301 ;.,Sambre and Meuse, l'O ; Western of France, 161. Mines- Biasilian Imperial, (issued at 51. prem.) fl; Ditto St. John del Rey, 304; Cobre Copper, 44; Santiago de Cuba, 12k; United Mexican, 7.. Joint Stock Banks-British North American, 57; London and Westminster, aat.

3 per Cent Consols 100 1 Danish 3 per Cents 82 3 1 Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto for Aceount

644 5

.. . - . ..

- 3 per Cent Reduced - 84 per Cents 99 I Ditto 4 per Cents 96 7- Mexican 3 per Cents 244 I-

Long Annuities 64

Bank Stock Peruvian 6 per Cents ' 101 a Chilian 6 per Cents 11v20,112iti

2 54 Portuguese 5 per Cents1824. Danish 5 per Cents. 104 6 Sardinian 5 per Cents 19187 :0

India Stock 75 78 pm. Russian 5 per Cents Exchequer Bills 274 276 Ditto 44 per Cents . Belgian 44 per Cents 100 2 Spanish 3 per Cents 97 9 Ditto Deferred Brazilian 5 per Cents

1044 54 Austrian Scrip 4 5 pm.