17 DECEMBER 1904, Page 1

The debate on the Imperial Estimates in the German Reichstag

on Friday week was enlivened by a striking speech from Herr von Vollmar, the Bavarian Socialist Deputy, and a. brilliant, if unconvincing, reply from the Chancellor. Herr von Vollmar, who was chiefly concerned to vindicate the attitude of the Social Democracy towards Russia, denounced the traditional Prussian subservience towards Russia, which would make Germany a satrapy of St. Petersburg. Russian methods had been exposed in the Kiinigsberg trial, which had inflicted an indelible stain on the reputation of Prussian justice, and the official attitude of Germany must not be allowed to brand the German movement against Russian absolutism as a crime. He declined to enter into any recriminations with regard to Anglo-German relations, con- tenting himself by observing that they desired to be on the best terms with England, with whom they were connected by strong intellectual ties. Count von Billow in his reply rallied the Socialists on their sensitiveness to criticism and their intestinal divisions, ironically professing sympathy with the "Revisionists," who had been suppressed by the intolerant dogmatism of Herr Bebel and his lieutenants.