17 DECEMBER 1904, page 15

Sie,—does Not Coleridge Spell It With An " E "

? Certainly Emerson does ; and I think Coleridge also spells it with an "e," —" cleresy "; at least so I quoted it in a printed sermon or essay of my own of many years ago,—I......

[to The Editor Op The " Spectator." J

Austin Taylor's second letter. It is well, perhaps, to dismiss irrelevant matter, and to recall attention to the question at issue. Mr. Taylor's first letter was an endeavour to......

Sir,—i Notice In Your Issue Of The 19th Ult. That

Mr. Hussey, in his "Reminiscences of an Irish Land Agent," thinks that nothing for sheer humour of a quiet sort beats Sir John Godfrey's reply when be was asked why he was......

Ste,—in Your Review Of Mr. Platt's " Alia " In

the Spectator of December 3rd you ask if "fairly takes the cake" has a classical parent. Whatever its origin (is it the " cake-walk " ?), readers of Aristophanes will remember......

Sw—it May Interest Sir Audley Gosling (spectator, Decem-...

to know that two perch, weighing respectively 4 lb. 2 oz. and 4 lb. 6 oz., were taken this year by a gentleman fishing with line bait for pike. I am well acquainted with the......

Sin,—in Your Leading Article On The War In The Spectator

of December 10th you say : "It seems to us far more likely that the Russian Fleet, whatever happens, will now attempt to make its way to Vladivostok." Is not this written in......