17 DECEMBER 1904, page 3

Several Interesting Educational Events Have Occurred...

On Monday the new scholarship scheme of the London County Council was published, which forms a com- plete recasting of the system which has been in force since 1893. It is......

That Is All Very Well ; But We Should Like

to ask Mr. Chamberlain a question which puzzles us : How is it, if Protectionist countries are the paradises for the working men which lie describes, that the pauper alien is......

Last Saturday Mr. Balfour Received At The Foreign Office A

deputation from the Imperial Federation (Defence) Committee on the question of the contribution of the Colonies towards Imperial defence. Sir Michael Hicks Beach, who introduced......

Mr. Chamberlain's Great Speech In The East End, Delivered On

Thursday evening, will, we fear, prove a disappoint- ment to his more ardent supporters. It was confidently expected by them that he would not only deliver himself of some......

It Was Announced On Tuesday That The King Had Been

pleased to appoint a Royal Commission "to inquire into matters connected with the Free Church and the United Free Church" in Scotland. The Commission is to consist of Lord......

Setting Forth The New Strategic Dispositions Of The...

have dealt with the scheme in detail elsewhere, and will only say here that the new plan will enable us, should occasion arise, to strike instantly and with all our force at any......

The Admiralty Have Rightly Refrained From Drawing Any...

which might seem hostile to foreign Powers, and we shall certainly follow their example. It may be pointed out, however, that there is nothing in the new distribution of forces......

We Cannot Find Space On A Friday To Deal With

the rest of Mr. Chamberlain's speech in detail, but may note that he dwelt on the Imperial side of his programme, and stated that, "so far as he was concerned, the sooner the......
