It was announced on Tuesday that the King had been
pleased to appoint a Royal Commission "to inquire into matters connected with the Free Church and the United Free Church" in Scotland. The Commission is to consist of Lord Elgin, as Chairman; Lord Kinnear, one of the Judges of the Court of Session ; and Sir Ralph Anstruther, a well-known and popular Scottish country gentleman. Three is a good number for a Commission which has a great deal of work before it, and the names are a guarantee of impartiality. No terms of reference have yet been published ; but in the mean- time Sir John Cheyne, a Scottish King's Counsel and Pro- curator of the Church of Scotland, has been appointed to arrange a modus vivendi during the sittings of the Com- mission. We trust that he will succeed in staying the flood of litigation with which Scotland is threatened, and arrive at some equitable scheme of joint possession for the property in dispute, pending the issue of the Report.
Bank Rate, 3 per cent.