17 DECEMBER 1904, page 14

Sir,—in The Interesting Article, "the Oversea Empire Of...

your issue of December 10th, you rightly remark : "While the British, German, and Portuguese possessions in Africa are dotted haphazard about the map, France has her mainland......

The Power Of The House Of Commons. Journalist Who Has

attended the Gallery for nearly a quarter of a century ? Assertions with regard to the deterioration of the House have become common, but are rarely made by members who have sat......

[to The Editor Op The " Spectator." J

Austin Taylor's second letter. It is well, perhaps, to dismiss irrelevant matter, and to recall attention to the question at issue. Mr. Taylor's first letter was an endeavour to......

Sir,—it Is Not Right That Mr. F. I. Cooke Should

be allowed unchallenged to assert that Lord Milner wrote any letter containing the passage Mr. Cooke asserts to have been con- tained in it (Spectator, December 10th). From......

Sir, — We Have Heard Of The French Lady Who, Tired Of

Revolution-jargon concerning "liberte, egalite, et fraternite, " said : "Si j'avais un frere, je l'appellerais mon cousin" ; but humanity's goal, however distant, is immovable,......