17 DECEMBER 1904, page 2

Mr. Reid, The Federal Premier, Took Part In The Debate

on Mr. Deakin's Preferential Resolution in the Australian House of Representatives on Tuesday, and made a speech full of im- portant admissions. Thus he observed that the......

A Renter's Telegram From Johannesburg In Tuesday's Times...

that fighting had broken out between the Chinese coolies and Kaffirs at the Witwatersrand mine on Sunday night. Three Kaffirs and one Chinaman were killed, and eight Kaffirs and......

The Controversy Between M. Benedetti, The Sicilian Chief...

Congo State Police, and Mr. Morel, editor of the West African Mail, calla for a few words of comment. It appears that Mr. Morel was given to understand that M. Benedetti was......

On Tuesday A Remarkable Scene Occurred In The Hungarian...

on which we have commented elsewhere. An hour before the time fixed for the opening of Parliament a number of Opposition Deputies forced their way into the Chamber, overpowered......

Mr. Chamberlain's Great Speech In The East End, Delivered On

Thursday evening, will, we fear, prove a disappoint- ment to his more ardent supporters. It was confidently expected by them that he would not only deliver himself of some......

The Significant Part Of The Chancellor's Speech, However,...

in which he dealt with the relations of Germany to Russia. Here, just as in the time of the South African War, it was an error to be guided in foreign policy by emotions or by......

Mr. Reid's Speech, However, Must Be Supplemented, As The...

Gazette points out, by his very important contri- bution to the fourth volume of Mr. Louis Creswicke's "Life of Mr. Chamberlain" (Caxton Publishing Company). There, writing......

Mr. Reid's Speech Largely Justified The Remarks Made On The

same day by Mr. Asquith at Preston. Dealing with the proposed Conference, Mr. Asquith said the truth was that the Colonies, so far from making an offer to us, were waiting to......