17 DECEMBER 1904, Page 3

Last Saturday Mr. Balfour received at the Foreign Office a

deputation from the Imperial Federation (Defence) Committee on the question of the contribution of the Colonies towards Imperial defence. Sir Michael Hicks Beach, who introduced the deputation, asked that in any Colonial Conference which might be held this subject should receive the first considera- tion. Mr. Balfour made a very judicious and moderate reply. He admitted the importance of the subject, and said that with the increase of modern armaments the safety of the Empire demanded infinite care and watchfulness. While the Colonies were in their early stages of development we had rightly taken upon ourselves the whole burden of their defence, but now that they were coming to maturity it was right that they should bear a share of the outlay. At the same time, we must not attempt to dictate to them. They must be allowed gradually to realise their responsibility.

On Monday the papers published the official announcement