17 DECEMBER 1904, Page 15

SW—It may interest Sir Audley Gosling (Spectator, Decem- ber 3rd)

to know that two perch, weighing respectively 4 lb. 2 oz. and 4 lb. 6 oz., were taken this year by a gentleman fishing with line bait for pike. I am well acquainted with the pond, as it formerly belonged to me. It was made forty years ago, and at that time was about half an acre in extent, but since then quite a third has silted up. It is fed neither by springs nor stream, but depends entirely on the surface drainage of some thirty acres of watershed (and the overflow of two cesspools and a slaughter-house). The bottom is composed of marl ; there are no reeds or aquatic weeds to aid spawning fish, but it simply swarms with roach, perch, carp, tench, and gudgeon. I once turned in twenty pike some twelve years ago, but have never seen a sign of them since.—I am, Sir, &c., J. ASIIBURNHABL

St. James's Club, Piccadilly, W.