17 DECEMBER 1904, Page 22

At Shakespeare's Shrine. Edited by Charles F. Forshaw. (Elliot Stock.

7s. 6d.)—Mr. Forshaw gives us here an anthology of praises of Shakespeare from poets old and new, from Bea Jonson down to the present time. There are more than a. hundred names ; and, happily, there is no occasion to criticise. One quotation only we will make, and that from a writer who has been not quite fairly treated,—M. F. Tupper. He wrote some poor stuff, it is true ; but he was not always feeble Many of his critics would not find it easy to beat these four lines :— " Who shall appraise Potosi's hidden mines, Or measure Oronooko's gushing springs, Or in a balance weigh the Apennines,

Fathom the deep, or span the Polar rings ?"

Under the name of Milton the lines from /l Penseroso might have been quoted with the strange "native woodnotes wild." Dr. Garnett has written an interesting paper on "Plays Partly Written by Shakespeare." The plays are three in number,— Timon of Athens, Pericles Prince of Tyre, and Henry VIII.