17 DECEMBER 1904, Page 22

Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage (Dean and Son, 31s. 6d.

net) appears in due course. Debrett grows like other things, having added this year Arty more pages to a number before exceeding two thousand.—Another periodical volume which it is quite superfluous to praise is Whitaker's Almanac (12 Warwick Lane, 2s. 6d. net). When we have said that a book is indispensable, what is left in the way of praise ? We may mention that there are special articles on British Commerce in 1904, on Health Resorts, on the Educational and Military Systems of European Countries, &c.—We have also received the very convenient volume, Whitaker's Peerage (same publishers), "a directory of titled persons."—Year-book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland (C. Griffin and Co., 7s. 6d. net) appears in its twenty-first annual issue. The various Institutes and Societies (including Government Departments) are classified according to the subjects with which they deal. Their transactions are recorded, names of office-bearers given, &c.