17 DECEMBER 1904, Page 22

Stead's Annual (14 Norfolk Street, London, W.C., Is.) contains a

"Christmas Story" by Mr. Stead, and a number of illustrations, six of them coloured pictures, the others more or less related to the text. The whole is a quite astonishing production for the price. The two female heads, " Purity " and "Truth," are striking works. As for the story, we have not space to say all that might be said about it. Mr. Stead is sure that he has a social message to deliver, and he does his best to do his duty. Perhaps the remark made by a mother to a sceptical son, and quoted here,. may serve as a text. "There never was such a person as Jesus Christ," says the sceptic. "Well, if so," said the mother, "is. that not all the greater reason why you should try to be a Christ yourself ?" The practical outcome of the social doctrines here set forth is to be seen in the Coopchass settlement in Lostland. Mr. Stead's tale is not milk for babes, but there is some good. solid meat in it.