17 OCTOBER 1903, Page 24


[Under this heading Ire notice such Books of A. week es have not been rsurvesi for revisit in other forms,] Lost in. Blunderland. By Caroline Lewis. With 50 Illustra- tions by S. R. (W. Heinemann. 28. 6d.)—Time deals unkindly with some satirists, but the author of this sequel cannot complain. His points are sharper than ever. How well, for instance, have things turned out in the matter of the White Knight ! He is a little uneasy. His "dear old horse," 'John Bull,' "has shied at his beautiful army corpses, six of them all laid out and four as dead as the drill-book," and has jibbed at his "superior Argentine mutton " ; and he fears that "if he were to take off his cast-iron clothes no one would give him any others." But Clara reassures him. " I am fond of you, you see," she says, "though I'm sure I don't know why," and she "will tell them to give you some very pretty ones." And hasn't she done it? Hasn't she given him the " gorgeous East "? And here is Sir Gordon Sprigg finding " stickphast " eminently useful as " office glue." Good luck and native wit have combined to make this an excellent continuation.