Lord Lansdowne Has Signed An Agreement With The French...
under which for the next five years "differences of a juridical order, or such as relate to the interpretation of treaties," and cannot be settled by diplomacy, may be referred......
- An Approach To A Condition Almost Of Panic Was
produced on 'Change on Monday by a telegram announcing immediate war between Russia and Japan, and the occupation of Masampho, the southernmost port of Korea, by Japanese......
The King And Queen Of Italy Arrived In Paris On
Wednesday, and received a great reception, it being specially noted that Madame Loubet, at the request of the Queen, accompanied her husband. The toasts at the sub- sequent......
News Of The Week.
T HERE is practically no news this week from the. Near East. The Turks are still accumulating forces in Rou- melia, and the Bulgarians have stopped the demobilisation of their......
Italy Is Greatly Vexed. The Czar Had Arranged To Visit
the King of Italy this week, and Rome made ready for a festival and a grand reception. On Monday, however, telegrams were received announcing that the visit was postponed sine......
The Correspondent Of The Times At Madrid Forwards A State-
ment by Seiior Salmeron, the leader of the Republican party, which. if well founded, is important. Betior Salmeron implies, though he does not exactly say, that the resignation......