A Half-tariff Or Half-a-dozen Tariffs ?
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Mr. Balfour asks for power to retaliate by tariff, alleging that he could by tariff get better terms than we now enjoy. Yet he......
Protection And Wages.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sia,—I enjoyed the privilege of listening to Mr. Chamberlain's remarkable speech and witnessing the enthusiasm of the great audimice in......
The Danger To The Empire.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sra,—Mr. Chamberlain is responsible for having provoked a great national controversy on the question of the preferential treatment of......
India And Free-trade.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—May I draw your attention to some very striking contributions to the present fiscal controversy contained in the September number of......
The Disparity In Our Imports And Exports. [to The Editor
OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—There is one point in connection with the growing dis- parity in the values of our imports and exports which I have not yet seen discussed. Our......