Tun book on Donatello which Lord Balcarres has written is a model of its kind. Throughout the attention is fixed on the sculptor, and the author has never wandered down those......
THE TRUTHFUL LIAR.* THE autumn publishing season has already disclosed to us one new writer of exceptional talent in the author of Said the Fisher- man. A second is now revealed......
Barbara Wi Nslow, Rebel. By Beth Ellis. (w. Blackwood And
Sons. 6s.)—This is a story of Monmouth's Rebellion. It is con- structed on the usual lines. Barbara is, of course, a very beauti- ful young woman, and as courageous as she is......
A Daughter Of The Pit. By Margaret Doyle Jackson. (cassell
and Co. 6s.)—Mrs. Jackson gives us in this book skilful combina- tions of interests. A young American comes over to an English colliery with the idea of introducing a......