Sir Henry Campbell-bannerman Made A Powerful And Con-...
in favour of Free-trade at Bolton on Thursday. After reminding the meeting of a fact that "we are apt sometimes to forget "—namely, that Mr. Balfour was Prime Minister—he......
Mr. Ritchie Addressed A Meeting Of His Constituents At...
on Friday week. The late Chancellor of the Exchequer prefaced his able, courageous, and candid speech by a generous tribute to his late colleagues. Turning to the new policy,......
A Dreadful Case Of Cruelty Has Excited Much Attention In
Germany. Privy Councillor Koch, director of a leading bank in Berlin, appointed a man named Dippold, who was armed with excellent testimonals, tutor to his two sons. The three......
Mr. Asquith On Wednesday In Fife Made Another Speech In
which, after a comparatively brief allusion to the fiscal ques- tion, he pointed out with the fervour of genuine conviction the duty of a British Government in Macedonia. The......
The New Chancellor Of The Exchequer, Mr. Austen
- Chamberlain, in the course of an address on Monday to his constituents dealt with the fiscal question. He expressed his entire and complete sympathy with the Prime Minister's......
A Most Interesting Series Of Articles On "industrial...
in Germany" has been appearing in the Times during the last sit weeks. That on "Amusements " in Tuesday's issue is full of sidelights on the German character. To begin with,......
Owing To The Pressure On Our Space We Are Obliged
to forego any notice of the Church Congress. We may say, however, that the ability of the papers read and the keen interest taken in the proceedings prove the continued vitality......
As We Go To Press Comes The Welcome News That
the Duke of Devonshire has joined the Free-trade Unionist organisation. That the Duke means to lead, and not merely to be an orna- mental member, may be taken for granted, while......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
Consols (2i per cent.) -were on Friday 88k.......