Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman made a powerful and con- vincing speech
in favour of Free-trade at Bolton on Thursday. After reminding the meeting of a fact that "we are apt sometimes to forget "—namely, that Mr. Balfour was Prime Minister—he pointed out that, in effect, Mr. Balfour's posi- tion is this :—" The Empire is going to pieces, trade is ruined, before our eyes. He knows a specific to save them, but if be , proclaimed it he would be ejected from power, and his party would be injured. Perish the Empire, therefore, and perish trade, but save, oh save me and the Government of which I am the head." No wonder, we may add, that the Protectionists prefer Mr. Chamberlain, who says boldly, however mistakenly : "I not only believe in Protection, but I mean to fight for it, 'pdpular or unpopular, risk or no risk."