17 OCTOBER 1908, Page 1

The leading French telegraph agency communicated to the Press on

Thursday evening nine heads of the programme of the proposed Conference, which, provided they are correct. supply a great deal more detail than the communique issued in London. They may be summarised as follows :—(l) The recognition of Bulgarian independence and the settlement of Bulgaria's financial obligations to Turkey, and "perhaps the settlement of the railway question." (2) The recognition, of the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (3) The reversion of Novi Bazar to Turkey. (4) The recognition of the annex.- tion of Crete, plus the settlement of the financial obligations of Greece towards Turkey. (5) The amendnient of Clauses 23 and 61 of the Treaty of Berlin concerning European Turkey and Armenia. (6) The abrogation of the restrictions on the Montenegrin sovereignty. (7) Compensation for Servia and Montenegro by "rectification of the frontiers on that portion of the territory of .Bosnia and Herzegovina bordering on the Sandjak of Novi Bazar,"—a somewhat cryptic expression.

(8) The revision of the Danube navigation regulations.

(9) The Powers to consider the abolition of the Capitulations and foreign post-offices as soon as Turkey shall have brought her legal and administrative system into harmony with the principles prevailing in other European States.