The Nightingale In October.
i - Tc, THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR...1 SIR,—I read with interest and sympathy the letter in your last number from "An Observant Invalid." If, however, the writer will turn to......
Golden Orioles In Essex.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR...1 Sin,—On Monday, October 12th, on a lonely marsh near a wood about three miles from Brightlingsea, in Essex, I saw two golden orioles. These......
Churton Collins Memorial Fund.
(To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.1 you, of your courtesy, allow me through your paper to tell old students and friends of the late Professor J. Churton Collins that a movement......
Egret Feathers.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR...1 Si,—Your correspondent Mr. A. J. N. Barker (Spectator, September 26th) is perfectly correct in his statement that the majority of egret......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."}
Sin,—Allow me to say in answer to "Mem Sabiba " (whose letter in your last issue is in no sense a reply to mine) that she invents a preposterous statement, attempts to father it......
The " Punch " Exhibitlon.
[To vu Intros or THE "Fissaseron." SIR,—I venture to ask your assistance in a matter which is briefly as follows :—The proprietors of Punch are making arrangements for holding......
Moral Instruction.
[To TER EDITOR OP THE .`SPRCTATOR.1 Sin,—May I., as one who is actively associated with the work of the Moral Instruction League, supplement Mr. Johnson's letter in your last......
Notice.—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed With...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in. agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......