Rto The Editor Op Till "speota.tor.".1 Sir,—is There Any...
reason why candidates or Members should not be forbidden by law to give to charities, &c., in their constituencies ? The object of such gifts is merely to buy the favour of the......
The Selection Of Parliamentary Candidates.
[TO TIM EDITOR OF TIES "SeROTA.TOR.") was just on the point of writing a letter to you on this subject when my eye caught your very able and well-reasoned article and the letter......
[to The Editor Of Viz Spzctator."1 Was Recently At A
suffrage meeting where a lady from the platform cited the case of Daisy Lord as an instance of the incompetency of men to judge of and settle the affairs of women. She thought......
The People's University.
[To THE EDITOR Or TICE "SPECTLTOR."] SIR,—The true University (said Carlyle) is a great libtary. The saying is true, provided that the reader knows how to use the library. But......
Moral Instruction.
[To TER EDITOR OP THE .`SPRCTATOR.1 Sin,—May I., as one who is actively associated with the work of the Moral Instruction League, supplement Mr. Johnson's letter in your last......
[to Tiir Editor Of Tiir "spectltor-"1 Sie,—referring To...
in last week's issue of the Spectator, it appears to me that the real cause of the evil to which you refer is the desire of a candidate not to be outdone by the rival candidate......