Lto The Editor Of Till "sesarrroie] Sib,—may I Call Your
attention to Scott's views on the proper way to deal with unemployment ? They seem to do equal honour to his head and to his heart: They are to be found in a letter to Southey......
[to Tag Editor Of The "spectator."'
SIR,—Your article on "The 'Right to Work ' " in last week's issue -mentions that many men who were employed on the Manchester relief works two years ago left their work, and so......
Lto Tim Editor Or Tux " Sp Xcta.tor:1
Sin,—It is possible that you and some of your readers may be interested in a little incident of unemployment which came to my knowledge a short time ago. The incident in......
[to Thz Editor Of " Spectator.")
SIE,—I venture to suggest that Dr. Macphairs arraignment of the "American woman," although both forcible and timely, is not very discriminating or very just. Dr. Macphail......
The "american Woman."
LTo THE EDITOR OF TUX " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,-1 have read with much interest the letters appearing in the Spectator entitled "The 'American Woman.' " In many recent books and letters......
The "right To Work."
[TO TR! EDITOR OF THE " gPSMATOP..1 read your article, "The Right to Work,'" in the last issue with great interest, having had first-hand experience of the unemployed. Your......