The Leading French Telegraph Agency Communicated To The...
Thursday evening nine heads of the programme of the proposed Conference, which, provided they are correct. supply a great deal more detail than the communique issued in London.......
The Official Communiqué Ends Very Significantly By A...
that the subjeCts covered by the Anglo-Russian Con- vention have also come up for discussion, and that the discussion has proved the identity of view of the two Ministers. This......
News Of The Week.
T HE foreign situation has distinctly improved during the week, and on Friday an authoritative statement was issued by the British Foreign Office declaring that the exchange of......
We Note With Regret That A Telegram In Friday's Papers
states that on Wednesday a Moslem woman, several times divorced, was discovered by a mob in the house of a Greek whom she wished to marry. To protect them, both were removed to......
The Last Of These Heads Should Be Especially Interesting To
Britain, because in the last resort the Capitulations which now so seriously hamper administrative and judicial reform in Egypt rest upon the Capitulation Treaties with Turkey,......