17 OCTOBER 1908, Page 19


[To vu Intros or THE "Fissaseron."

SIR,—I venture to ask your assistance in a matter which is briefly as follows :—The proprietors of Punch are making arrangements for holding at the beginning of next year in London an exhibition which will be entirely devoted to Punch from its commencement in 1841 to the present day. In order to make this exhibition as complete and interesting as possible they are anxious to obtain the loan of (1) original drawings by Punch artists, especially those whose work is over; (2) prints, lithographs, coloured plates, &c., of Punch work ; (3) documents and autograph letters relating to Punch ; (4) MSS. of Punch articles; (5) objects of interest that have been in the possession of Punch men, and, indeed, anything that is in any way connected with Punch. I shall be very grateful if you will find space to make some announcement of this in the Spectator, and at the same time ask those of your readers who are able and willing to help in the manner indicated to be kind enough to communicate with me at the Punch Office, 10 Bouverie Street, E.C.—I am, Sir, &c.,

W. LAURENCE BRADBURY (for the Proprietors of Punch).