Mew EDITIONS.—.We welcome a new venture in "Nelson's Shilling Library"
(T. Nelson and Sons). The mother-idea of the Library is the production in a cheap but pleasant and readable form of important modern and copyright books. The first volumes are well chosen, and comprise The Life of John Nicholson, by Captain Lionel J. Trotter; Scrambles Amongst the Alps, by Edward Whymper ; The Great Boer War, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ; and Collections and Recollections, by G. W. E. Russell.— Women of the Church of England. By Mrs. Aubrey Richardson. (Chapman and Hall. 6s.)—This is a new and cheaper edition of a work published last year. The period covered by it begins with the Reformation and ends with our own time.— Of the "Hull Booklets" (J. R. Tutin, Hull, 2d. net per vol.) we have A Walk in Chamouni, by John Ruskin; Criticism on English Poets, by S. T. Coleridge ; Prose Sayings and Verse from W. S. Landor ; Sayings from the Letters of John Keats ; Shelley, the Man and the Poet, by Robert Browning ; Anacreon's Odes, Translated by Thomas Stanley ; Four Early English Poetesses ; and Early English Elegies, certainly a fine collection at the very modest price.