[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—In reading the article " Scandinavia " in this week's issue we noticed with great interest the last paragraph which deals with humane slaughtering. In our business as bacon curers and manufacturers of sausages, &c., we kill many thousands of pigs per annum, and two years ago we adopted the humane killer (captive bolt pistol) and have continued to use this method exclusively with the greatest success.
If you will be so kind as to put us into communication with your correspondent "J." we should like to arrange with him for a trial of the device used for holding the pig in position.—I am, Sir, &c., A. DAV Y. (Director, Arthur Davy & Sons, Ltd.) [We congratulate Messrs. Arthur Davy & Sons on intro- ducing the humane killer for pigs in their establishment, and we hope their excellent example will be followed by all who slaughter pigs.
The Spectator hopes to import from Sweden one of the humane devices for holding the pig in position to which our contributor referred last week, and-we shall avail ourselves of Messrs. Davy's kind offer to give it a trial in Great Britain; —En. Spectator.]