To "re-found The Religion Of Christ, Purged Of Dogmas And
mysticism—a practical religion, not promising future bliss, but giving bliss on earth "—was the starting idea of Sub- Lieutenant Tolstoy when on leave from his battery in the......
Under. The Editorship Of Mr. Middleton Murry, A New...
the New. Adelphi, has made its first appearance. Jie has a . charming.. article on the Parables of Jesus. Mr. Young writes of the Gurdjieff Institute in Paris, which we thought......
Ma. Harold Copping's Bible Pictures Are Deservedly...
for their intrinsic beauty, but because of the peculiar fidelity of their local colour. In his new work, which the Religious Tract Society publish in a handsome quarto under the......
Dr. Lamond Is A Frank Believer In The Supernatural, And
in his Joan of Arc and England (Rider 10s. 6d.) he asserts that in the . Maid's sixty-foot leap from the tower of Beaurevoir she was upheld by mysterious forces, and that St.......
In The Life And Work Of An English Landscape Architect
(Richards Press, 25s.), Mr. Thomas H. Mawson recalls his memories of a long and exceptionally busy career devoted to garden-making, town-planning, and allied activities. His......
We Read. Most Of Mr. A. P. Herbert's Verse As
it appears In Punch, but decidedly it is worth re-reading in book form. The publishers have put our enthusiastic comments on his 1,a,st volume, She Shanties, on the wrapper of......
This Week's Books
YOUNG politicians, and indeed all who wish to speak in public, may be recommended to give attentive study to the Speeches by Lord Oxford and Asquith, an admirable selection of......
Mr. John Drinkwater Is A Playwright Of Extraordinary...
stately historical pageant he can move with assured dramatic tread, and now in a little three-act play entitled Bird in Hand (Sidgwick and Jackson, 3s. 6d.), which was a week or......
Mr. Selwyn Brinton Is One Of Those Writers—happily Their...
is increasing—who can clothe the dry bones of history with living reality. Few novels are more fascinating than The Gonzaga—Lords of Mantua ; and yet we feel that Mr. Brinton, a......
General Knowledge Questions
THE Editor awards the prize of one guinea offered weekly for the best thirteen general knowledge questions and answers to an Eton boy, who deiires to remain ancnymous, for the......