* * The Chancellor Of The Exchequer, Speaking - Lately In
Scotland, astonished us by giving a glowing account of the present revival of the country's trade, and we were not surprised that Sir Herbert Samuel took him to task. in a......
Other Items Of News From Geneva Are That The Mandates
Commission has reported in favour of an extra member for itself and that Germany has provided one. The same Commission has considered the question of the " sovereignty " of the......
To Continue Our Chronicle Of The Trades Union Congress At
Edinburgh, on Thursday, September 8th, Mr. Ramsay MacDonald appeared as the fraternal delegate of the Labour Party, and made a political party speech against the Government, its......
Sir Austen Welcomed The Polish Resolution As An Avowal Of
aims, but the British Empire could accept no? more commitments under it or the Protocol. They might lead to the dissolution of that smaller, British, - League of Nations.......
On Monday, Slavery Was Discussed In Committee. Praise Was...
to the treatment of the subject in the long and important British Report. The Maharajah of Kapurthala spoke of the progress made in India and Burma. British pride in the news......
Later The Congress Passed Resolutions, Protectionist In...
to an inquiry into the importation of goods from countries where lower standards of life prevail. On Friday, September 0th, more resolutions were passed against the Government......
On Tuesday The King Of Spain's Decree Was Published...
a National Consultative Assembly next month, four years since the establishment of the Directory or Dictatorship. It is to be a nominated Assembly to all intents and purposes......