News Of The Week /the 1general Discussion Of The League
of Nations r Report has been continued at Geneva. The Polish proposal : to the Assembly for the " outlawry " of war was amended after we wrote last week, and was Presented by M.......
Sir Austen Welcomed The Polish Resolution As An Avowal Of
aims, but the British Empire could accept no? more commitments under it or the Protocol. They might lead to the dissolution of that smaller, British, - League of Nations.......
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Herr Stresemann Spoke Moderately On Friday And Was Well...
He announced that Germany would sign the optional clause of the statute for the Permanent Court a International Justice, recognizing the Hague jurisdiction as eompulsory upon......
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Without the final form before it the speeches in the Assembly on Thursday, September 8th, were directed backward - to the old rejected Geneva Protocol rather - than forward to......