A True Comparison.
Unfortunately, however, the comparison is not with a normal year. During the - greater part of 1926 trade was demoralized first.by the general strike and later by the coal......
Tun Debt Service.
Only last week I showed that until we have secured this economy in the national expenditure we Cannot hope. to 'achieve any material reduction in the annual serviee On the......
The Cardinal; Need.
In this matter of economy in the National Expenditure, history repeats itself. For a long time previous to the. formation of the Geddes Economy . Committee in 1921 there had......
Finance—public And Private
Fancies and Facts THE casual newspaper reader may well be excused for any mental confusion with regard to the present state of trade and the national credit. He is told on the......
August Trade Figures.
And first as regards trade. It is perfectly true that the figures of our foreign trade for the month of August are the best which have been published for some time past. For......
• Growth In National Expenditure.
As regards the national -finances, Mr. Churchill in fait -- recent speech in Scotland was once again more anxiOkis tO defend the growth in our public expenditure than '6 . 2(......
Financial Notes
HOLIDAY slackness in the Stock Markets is not infrequently - more pronounced during the first half of September than in the month of August, and during the past week dealings in......