(To UM EDITOR OF Tan usreerares."i S114-2 propos or my letter of last week to you regarding a circular received Ma formal notice from the London County Council, it is rather curious that in my receipt from the Post- master-General for payment for telephone service I should receive a printed circular, " The Electrop hone r.,td.," as enclosed. What has this to do with the telephone service P This exploiting of firms is evidence, surely, Of great degeneracy on the part of officials and requires to be rigidly put down. Date of receipt, 8. 4. 14. Signed for Controller, A. T. Gladwin.
—I am, Sir, &c., A. L. Measnatira Thornleigh, 206 Upper Clapton Road, N.E.
[Our correspondent has forwarded us for inspection the advertisement circular in question.—ED. Spectator.]