The Causation Of Cancer.
[To ells Runes or re. "Sraervrov.."] have read with much interest the article on "Logic and Disease" in the Spectator of April 11th. On p. 601 the following sentences are to be......
The Athanasian Creed.
[To ram EDITOR or ens "Sescraroe."] Sin,—It is generally assumed by controversialists that those who desire that the use of the Athanasian Creed should be made (at least)......
The Portuguese Amnesty And The Ca Rbona Rios.
[To in EDITOR or ram “Sercrwroa."] SIIL — When on March 7th Lord Lytton, as Chairman of the British Protest Committee, criticized the text of the Portuguese Amnesty Bill, he......
The Arnold Case.
(To in Barron or rsx "Srscraros.") SIR, — What Mr. Arnold did was to accuse a public official of disgraceful conduct without sufficient reason to believe that the accusation was......
The House Of Lords And The Home Rule Bill.
[To THE EDITOR or THE t'Sraerarox.1 SIR,—Thousands of your readers will, I am sure, warmly endorse your admirable suggestion that, in case of need, the Unionist Party in the......