[to Vox Maros Of Tim Eirl.cmay011v . 1 Sir, — / Was Mnoh...
to read in the Spectator of April 4th an article on "A Coast Path Round England," especially as the idea has always appealed to me, As regards the Penzance district, I myself......
A Regrettable Incident.
(To UM EDITOR OF Tan usreerares."i S114-2 propos or my letter of last week to you regarding a circular received Ma formal notice from the London County Council, it is rather......
A Coast Path Round England.
[To Vas Eames or nes A•ersomeros."] Sna,—In your article of April 4th on a cliff path round England you sound a note of warning that the undertaking should not be too long......
Voluntary Copyists For The Blind. [to No Banos Or Vas
..SrscrAron."1 SIa,—All friends of the blind will welcome the articles and letters with which the Spectator has called attention to the splendid work inaugurated by Mr: C. A.......
The Mormons At Mountain Meadow
MARRAIIIRE [To Imo Mono. or roz "Brooraroo."1 Ste,—There is a slight inaccuracy in the otherwise interest. ing review of the new work on the Mormons by Messrs. Cannon and Knapp,......
The State And The Railways.
[To rag EDITOR. or TIM Britlf , T0 , 4”1 have just read the excellent article on this subject in your issue of January 10th. An object-lesson of the result of State-owned......