18 APRIL 1914, page 25

Messengers. By Margaret Hope. (methuen And Co. Gs.) —this Is

an extremely painful and poignant story of the utter devastation which a term of imprisonment causes in the life of a woman of education. The ruin of such a woman's later career......

Alice Ottley.t This Is The Memoir Of A Remarkable And

very attractive woman, who will have her own place in an impartial history of English education, if such is ever written. Miss Ottley was one of the moat distinguished among the......


THE AWAKENING.* Ice the romantic literature and fiction of pre-Victorian times heroines were pre-eminently distinguished by their youth. According to some authorities, Juliet......

The Tresleys. By Henry Cockburn. (andrew Melrose....

in the figure of Colonel Tresley, drawn the portrait of an elderly man of distinction and charm, but his novel, as a whole, resolves itself into a study of the ethics of......