18 APRIL 1914, page 20


THE CUTTERS. They that go down to the sea in shipe . . . These see the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep."—Peal. 107. 23-4. "But they that go down to the sea in......


THE AGE OF HENRY THE NAVIGATOR./ THE story of the foundation of the Portuguese Empire is -one which can never lose its appeal to the imagination of mankind. It came suddenly,......

The Mormons At Mountain Meadow

MARRAIIIRE [To Imo Mono. or roz "Brooraroo."1 Ste,—There is a slight inaccuracy in the otherwise interest. ing review of the new work on the Mormons by Messrs. Cannon and Knapp,......

]notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily to held to to in agreement with the views therein expressed cr with the mode of......