[To Imo Mono. or roz "Brooraroo."1
Ste,—There is a slight inaccuracy in the otherwise interest. ing review of the new work on the Mormons by Messrs. Cannon and Knapp, as printed in last week's Spectator. The victims of the Mountain Meadow Massacre were not slaughtered by Indians, but by John D. Lee's own followers disguised as Indians. We have this in the printed account of the expedition sent to punish the Mormons by one of the parties actually engaged therein, who gives revolting details of the state of the skeletons, which were picked as clean as ivory by vultures and wolves. The writer of the story tells bow two or three female Mormons were arrested through the medium of a little child, the only survivor of the massacre, -who, becoming very talkative, pointed out to the soldiers one of the elegantly dressed Mormon women and said, " That my mamma's frock," and further prattled, " Naughty Indians come and kill mamma, papa, and aunty." The author• of this account says, in 1889, when the story was written: "If she is alive now she will doubtless remember me. . . . I brought her to Salt Lake City and handed her over to the United