Mr. Asquith took his seat on his re-election for East
Fife on Tuesday afternoon and was greeted with great enthusiasm by his party. The House was occupied for the entire sitting with the Committee stage of the East African Protectorates Loan Bill. The aim of the Bill is to enable the Government to lend British East Africa, Nyasaland, and Uganda £3,000,000 for development pm•poses at 3 per cent. Mr. Harcourt explained that no new precedent was involved, that the security was complete, that there was no charge on the tax- payer, and that the prospects of enhanced prosperity would be greatly heightened by the loan. In spite of these reassur- ances, Mr. Harcourt failed to conciliate a small group of Radical malcontents, among whom Mr. Handel Booth, Mr. Wedgwood, and Mr. Outhwaite were specially prominent, and thanks to their futile obstinacy the debate was kept going from 3.30 to 10.30. For once in a way we find ourselves in agreement with the Parliamentary representative of the Daily Chronicle, who speaks of the obstructive efforts of these malcontent Radicals as "a grave disservice to the Govern- ment and of no advantage to any human soul."