Canadian Addresses. By the Hon. George E. Foster. (Herbert Jenkins.
5s. net.)—These addresses by a Canadian statesman, both in and outside the House of Commons at Ottawa, will be read with interest by all who wish to know Canada's real feeling towards our Empire. That feeling is admirably expressed by Mr. Foster in his eloquent plea (in the debate of March 29th, 1909) for a Canadian contribution to the cost of our Navy. " The most sublime figure in all history . . . is the figure of the old Mother Empire, the great-hearted mother who has given birth to the young nations that circle the globe, the great-hearted mother who has gone outside of her own kith and kin, and has mothered nation after nation, people after people, continent after con- tinent, brought them out of darkness and slavery, and set them upon the path of a better civilization." How can we despair of the future whilst our younger brethren across the seas are thus passionately devoted to our Empire P