BOOKS OF BEFERENCR. — Crockford's Clerical Directory for 1914. (Horace Cox. 20s.)—The
preface of this indispensable guide to the personnel of the Church of England advocates an amended Benefices Act for the suppression of simony, by the complete abolition of the sale of advowsons if no other effectual remedy can be devised. There is also an admirable summary of the Kikuyu controversy.—The Municipal Year Book of the United Kingdom for 1914. Edited by A. E. Cave. (The Municipal Journal. 15s. net.)—A. valuable summary of the present state of our local government, with sections on elec- tricity, gas, water, housing, and other forms of municipal enter- prise.—Nisbers Golf Year Book, 1914. Edited by Vyvyan G. Harmsworth. (J. Nisbet and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—This useful directory of golf clubs contains an article by Mr. Ernest Lehmann on the year's golf, in which he claims that the victories of the youthful Duncan and Mr. Ouimet make 1913 "a landmark in the annals of the game."—The "Queen" Newspaper Book of Travel. Compiled by M. Hornsby, (Horace Cox. 2s. 61 net.)—This guide to home and foreign resorts should be helpful to all who are planning holidays.