Nnw EnmoNs.—The Stars Night by Night. By J. H. Elgie.
(C. Arthur Pearson. ls. net.)—This reprint of The Night Skies of a Year deserves a large circulation amongst those who are interested in star-gazing without a telescope.— Eighteen Thousand Words Often Mispronounced. By W. H. P. Phyfe. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 6s. net.)—This revised and enlarged edition of Mr. Phyfe's dictionary of difficulties in English pronunciation (from the American standpoint) is a conscientious piece of work which should be helpful to all who possess it.—Among the new volumes of the admirable "Everyman's Library" (P. M. Dent and Sons, ls. net each) we note a new Anthology of English Prose, skilfully edited by Miss S. L. Edwards, Hobbes's Leviathan, Lyell's Antiquity of Man, and two autobiographies, whose juxtaposition shows that Mr. Rhys is still "full of his fun "—Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell's Pioneer Work for Women and Colley Cibber's Apology for his Life.