Magi/a in Picture (Offise of Universities' Mission to Central Africa,
1s. 9d.) is an interesting series of photographs repre- senting places and people in the Usambara District in East Central Africa. Magna (hereafter to be called Msalab'ani) was one of the earliest localities fixed upon by the Mission. affairs now seem to be prospering there. It is in German Africa, and it is a refreshing contrast to much that we read nowadays to be told that the German officials have behaved with consideration and kindness. That is not the English missionary's usual experience with another Euro peen Power that has a " sphere of influence" in Africa.—With this may be mentioned Savage Life in New Guinea, by Charles W. Abel (London Missionary Society), an illustrated account of the Papuan race, taken from the mission point of view ; also A Story Retold (Morgan Scott, 6d. net), an account of the going out of Mr. C. T. Studd and his companions in 1885.