18 JANUARY 1902, page 13


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOIL"J Sus,—Having read with much interest your article on " Poverty " in the Spectator of January 4th, I am tempted to make a few remarks on the......

The Motives Of Misers.

(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") • Sr,—Is it too late to comment upon your very interesting article upon " The Motives of Misers" in the Spectator of December 28th, which I......

Sir Ernest Satow.

[To THE EDITOR OF TILE "SrscrArou. - 3 SIR,—The conspicuous firmness of the Spectator, of which I have been for n_sny years an admirer, appears strangely at fault in the......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator.") Sin,—" Upon Mr....

computation, the smallest sum which will maintain the mere physical efficiency of a moderate family is 21s. 8d. per week" (Spectator, January 4th) In 1S30 the wages of......

Affairs In Siam.

pro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."). Sin, — The correspondence in your columns of late referring to British political and commercial affairs in Siam, while most interesting and......