18 JANUARY 1902, page 22

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as tare not been reserred for review in other forms.] What Great Men have Said about Great Men. By William Wale. (Swan......

The Financial Reform Almanac* (simpkin, Marshall, And...

1s. 6d.) is a publication of which it is needless by this time to give any formal appreciation. It is for "politicians,' to quote from the title-page. One of its statements we......

The Cowper Anthology, 177 4 5 - 1500, Edited By Professor...

Frowde, 3s. 6d.), is the tenth of the series. It con- tains extracts from some fifty poets—or shall we say writers of verses ?—with six portraits by way of illustration. The......

A Short History Of Christianity. By John M. Robertson....

and Co. 6.3. net.)—Mr. RJbertson has not, we think, adequate qualifications for the task which he has undertaken. The judicial temper and the true critical spirit are absent. He......

Studies In Ossford History. By The Rev. J. R. Green

and the Rev. Geo. Roberson. Edited by C. L. Stainer, M.A. (Oxford Historical Society.)—Oxford Studies. By John R. Green. Edited by Mrs. J. R. Green and Miss K. Norgate.......

Current Literature.

JANE AUSTEN. Jane Ausien: her Homes and her Friends. By Constance Hill (John Lane. 21s.)—To open one of Miss Austen's delightful stozies is as pleasant as setting out to visit......

Protection. By A "manufacturer." (eyre And Spottiswoode....

pleads for the substitution of Protection for Free-trade. We shall not attempt to answer him, but we may put one fact before him. When wheat was protected and stood, say, at......