Land Settlement In South Africa.
[1:0 TUE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] notice in your article on "Land Settlement in South Africa" in the Spectator of January 11th you suggest I said 240,000 would be required......
Parrots And Love Birds.
W HEN Lord Curzon, during his recent visit to Burmab, spoke of the need of a close season for Indian game, he may perhaps have referred also to birds, among them the egrets and......
Letters To Tiie Editor.
LORD ROSEBERY AND PEACE. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, — An important feature in Lord Rosebery's speech at Chesterfield has scarcely, I think, received the attention......
The . Real Cause Of England's Influence. [to Tue Editor . Of
TIIE "SPEOTATOH.1 SIR,—The following passage from the speech delivered in the House of Commons by Mr. Disraeli on June 3rd, 182,n the 'subject of national expenditure is worth......
Affairs In Siam.
pro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."). Sin, — The correspondence in your columns of late referring to British political and commercial affairs in Siam, while most interesting and......