The Financial Reform Almanac* (simpkin, Marshall, And...
1s. 6d.) is a publication of which it is needless by this time to give any formal appreciation. It is for "politicians,' to quote from the title-page. One of its statements we......
The Grammar Of Prophecy. By R. B Girdlestone, M.a. (eyre
and Spottiswoode. 6s.)—Canon Girdlestone quotes, by way of conclusion to this treatise, some words written in 1879 by the Rev. Horatius Bonny, and emphasises with italics this......
Lodge's Peerage, Baronelage, And Knightage (hurst And...
is a work so well established in favour—this is the sevent y-first edition—that praise is needless. We observe that tbough the editor fails to give the "New Year's Honours" in......
Smoot, Ann Class Books.—in The "century Bible," General...
W. F. Adeney (T. C. and E. C. Jack, Edinburgh), The Acts, edited by J. Vernon Bartlett. Professor Bartlett gives the Authorised Version and the Revised Version, append- ing to......
How To Choose Your Insurance Company. By Charles Cox. (argus
Printing Company. 2s. 6d.)—Mr. Cox has made a really valuable contribution to the subject of which he treats. Few people realise the difference between the advantages offered by......
The Earth's Beginning. By Sir Robert Stamen Ball, F.r.s....
and Co. 7s. 6d.)—This is an exposition of the Nebular Hypothesis, originally given ía the form of le :tures to a juvenile audience at the Royal Institution. (This same juvenile......
New Editions.—in The "library Edition Of The Works Of George
Eliot" (W. Blackwood and Sons, 10s. 6d.) The Impres- sions of Theophrastus Such, and other Essays, being Vol. X.— The Principles of Political Economy, by H. Sidgwick (Macmillan......
Magi/a In Picture (offise Of Universities' Mission To...
1s. 9d.) is an interesting series of photographs repre- senting places and people in the Usambara District in East Central Africa. Magna (hereafter to be called Msalab'ani) was......