[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Before any program me le publiely,announced in connexion with the celebration on December 29th next of the centenary of the birth of Mr. Gladstone, I venture, with all respect to those who have the arrangements in mind, to suggest that the form which would certainly be most in consonance with the whole tenor of his life is that of a religious service. In an age of scepticism, materialism, and irreverence, Mr.. Gladstone stood out head and shoulders above the rank-and-file as a groat Christian standard-bearer. Nothing could be more ,appropriate thau that the centenary celebrations should be organised at Liverpool, Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, St. Paul's Cathedral, and Westminster Abbey, and that at each centre choral celebrations should be followed later in the day by the chanting of a solemn Te Deum. Several names of preachers exceptionally qualified for such an occasion occur to me, hut it is no part of my duty to enter into particulars at this moment. The main thing is to lift the entire proceedings out of the arena of party politics.—I am, Sir, &a., R. G. CAVENDISH BENTINCK.
Wormilow Manor.