19 JUNE 1909, page 26

The Infamous John Friend. By Mrs. R. S. Garnett. (duck-

worth and Co. 6s.)—This is a very able book, even though it cannot be called pleasant reading. Mrs. Garnett shows much skill in leaving her readers with a certain sense of......

Some Books Of The Week

[Woo' this heading we notice enok Books qf the week as Nava not WO roused for review other forma Round the Lake Country. By the Rev. H. D. Rawnaloy. (J. MacLehose and Sons,......


THE VEIL.t NATIVE novelists may be roughly divided into three classes —the British, the cosmopolitan, and the exotic—and it is a characteristic sign of the times that the number......

The Story Of Hanksgarth Farm. By Emma Brooke. (smith, Elder,

and Co. 6s.)—This book is well worth reading, if only for the picture of the heroine, " Silence " Whinnery. Furthermore, the descriptions of life in Westmorland nearly eighty......

Readable Noyelel—jeanne Of The Marshes. By E. Phillips...

Lock, and Co. 6s.)—A capital story to read, if one is not too exacting as to probabilities.—Indian Dust. By Otto Rothfeld. (Alden and Co., Oxford. Ss. 6d. net.) —Eleven sketches......