19 JUNE 1909, page 25

Ralf-a-century Of Volunteering.i. Ma. Macdonald Thinks...

soldiering may have been " in the blood." It is not improbable, seeing that all of his six uncles on the father's side were soldiers. His own wishes had tended that way ; but......


" HAILEYBUItY College," we read in a well-known gazetteer bearing the date of 1888, " is an institution for the education of young men intended for the Indian Civil Service."......


ONE hundred and fifty years ago Prince Charles Edward, an exile and a disciple of Rousseau, compiled a little set of "Maximes," never published, for our guidance in the life......

Criminal Types 1$ Shakespeare.*

THE study of crime and criminals has been made by many eminent men, but, at the same time, the criminal still remnias a problem. True, the outcome of criminal research has led......


THE VEIL.t NATIVE novelists may be roughly divided into three classes —the British, the cosmopolitan, and the exotic—and it is a characteristic sign of the times that the number......